"Hi everyone! My name is Anu Biradar and I am a fourth-year Electrical and Computer Engineering Major and History Minor at UT Austin. Throughout my time as a student in ECE and in my summer internships, I often found myself trying to find a balance between trying to get something done and expressing my thoughts on the task at hand. It's hard to voice your opinions and interests without the fear of being judged or isolated, especially in a male dominated field where it's already hard enough not to feel alienated. Over time I realized that my voice is also important and deserves to be heard, and having a strong community within tech makes all the difference in being authentic and truly expressing what I feel. I'm so happy to see that Re-sonate is working hard to create this community for all women pursuing technical careers at UT, and am looking forward to the convention to meet some incredible women and help empower each other to be the most authentic versions of ourselves!"
-Anushree Biradar, 4th Year, ECE Major & History Minor