"My name is Yasira, and I am a third year Computer Engineering major at UT. Growing up in an environment where tech was depicted in a very strict image of a nerdy/socially awkward guy who could quickly code any piece of software without a single Google search, I had a lot of deeply rooted views on what my classmates and coworkers would look like. When I decided on my major in high school, even though I logically knew that the stereotypes did not apply to everyone, it was hard to not internalize them and try to change myself to fit that mold. I love to wear dresses and fancy and all the works. But when I first came to college, I felt like I could not present myself in that image if I wanted to fit in. It took me a while to feel comfortable wearing what I wanted to and felt good in to class and work, but I still feel like I stand out in a way that I’m not too comfortable with sometimes even though I’ve toned down a lot. Seeing other peers embrace their authenticity has helped me to take steps to be more true to myself in public. Re-sonate, SWE, and WECE have allowed me to talk to a lot of my peers about their own struggles with trying to figure out who they are and how they interact with the world while making big life decisions at the same time. I am really grateful of all the opportunities that we have to share and grow as a community, and learn that we can also belong by being different because we are all being honest. I am excited about Re-sonate this year, and hope that we can keep continuing the conversation and create awareness around topics that matter to us during the convention and beyond."
- Yasira Younus, 3rd Year, Computer Engineering Major