I’m An Nguyen, a second year Electrical and Computer Engineering student at the University of Texas at Austin. Two of my biggest interests are tech and entrepreneurship, and I want to be a part of a community who strives to empower women in these spaces and inspire people like me to pursue their passions. Growing up, I didn’t really have role models who were in these industries. Both of my parents immigrated to America, so I had to learn how to navigate my interests and figure out what path to pursue. I’m personally excited for the Re-sonate Convention because its message is one that resonates with me (pun intended). Jokes aside, female empowerment is so important to me because I want to show other girls that they definitely do belong in tech. Their dreams, thoughts, and voices are so important. Re-sonate is one of the ways that women can show the world that they are loud, proud, and ready to conquer anything life throws at them.